HTML textarea maxlength

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Posey # Posted yesterday
Adding a character limit to a textarea Hello everyone,

I'm trying to apply a maxlength property to my <textarea> element but the character count (checked in real time through Javascript) doesn't match with what is being entered.

For debugging purposes I added rows and columns to my textarea but it doesn't really tell me where my problem is located or why the field is behaving that way.

Here is my code.
<textarea name="text" rows="9" cols="55" maxlength="495"></textarea>
I have my 9 lines and 55 columns, except that in the last line I cannot enter more than 39 characters out of 55, 476 characters out of 495 in total.

Do you have any idea why it's behaving that way.
Celeri # Posted two hours ago
Celeri Careful, chariot returns (CRLF) are included in the maxlength.
Posey # Posted one hour ago
Posey Aaaaah, I knew it was a stupid error!

I blame lack of sleep :)

Out of curiosity I ran into another question during the debugging... if I change the limit to maxlength="495", so that I can enter my 495 characters (8 carriage returns for the first 8 lines), I get warned that I can enter only 495.

However, if I exceed 495 characters, a warning appears which indicates that I can only enter 511 characters...

How does one avoid this contradiction?
Celeri # Posted 37 minutes ago
Celeri Your approach doesn't seem good. Display how many empty characters are left, the CRLF will whatever happens be part of the total.
<textarea name="text" rows="9" cols="55" maxlength="495"onkeyup= "console.log('Still: ', this.maxLength - this.value.length)"></textarea>
Kegon # Posted 5 minutes ago
Kegon That's some tard-level shit code op.

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